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About us

We both (Bhaskara Rao and Annamani) Husband and Wife were married to Christ and baptised in the Holy spirit in 1992 and Having experience of listening to the voice of God, we were ordered to leave Tamilnadu for Hyderabad to serve Him in His vineyard to stay in a newly constructed house for rent in pursuance of the leading of the Holy spirit.

Activities & Services

We started worship service in 1999 keeping center at Prasoona nagar, Hyderabad. God encouraged us to go for village ministry in Medak District, Guntur District and Krishna District, while rebuilding families, since both having healing gift and prophesy God used us to bring many souls added to His Kingdom.


RCMA mission is planning to build the Church in Prasunanagar, Chintal, Hyderabad. We have been able to secure a plot for church building. As we are falling short of amount needed, we are requesting other members of the community for donations. Your contribution however small is appreciated and will never go in vain.


Hear Our Pastor Deliver Messages of Hope & Inspiration To The Faithful. Join Us This Week. A Church That Teaches the Bible in Creative and Relevant Ways. Here are some powerful Testimonies